
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

New Neck Deep Album To Be Produced By Jeremy Mckinnon

Neck Deep have revealed that Jeremy Mckinnon, front man of A Day To Remeber, will be producing their new album alongside ex A Day To Remember member, Tom Denney, and Andrew Wade who has worked closely with A Day To Remember in the past. Jeremy had this to say about the album, which Neck Deep will start to record in five days time: "I was working with Andrew (Wade) on the new The Ghost Inside album (Dear Youth) when Tom Denney stopped by for a bit. He and Andrew were talking about having a meeting with Neck Deep about doing their next album. I overheard them, and pretty much forced them to let me be a part of the meeting. We met with Fil (Thorpe-Evans, bass) and we all hit it off. A few weeks later we heard back that the band had picked us! I think they’re one of the best new upcoming pop-punk bands in the world, and I’m pumped to make some music with them. They have their own sound, and it seems like they’re right on that edge of being a really big band. All it’s gonna take is a slam dunk record. I think they’ve got it in them'

Ben also had this to say: “When we started looking into recording album two we knew we wanted it to be bigger and better than Wishful Thinking. We wanted to step things up in a big way. Not only will we be stepping out of our comfort zone and finally recording outside of Seb’s (Barlow’s brother) bedroom, but we’ll be working with someone we’ve always looked up to. When we initially spoke to Jeremy about producing the album his enthusiasm was what caught us; not only is he someone who knows what they’re doing, and has achieved everything we could hope for, but he’s just as stoked on the album as we are, and that’s a huge thing"

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