
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Roam: Head Down Review

Eastbourne's Roam are a firm example of how transcendent British pop punk is becoming. With 'No Common Ground' already under their belts, Head Down is bound to take an indefectible stance with listeners.
The E.P kicks off with 'You never said' (and the quote 'I'm just waiting for a mate'...) which sets the E.P off at a proficient pace. Even though the E.P addresses youthful issues, the lyrics never become futile. Instead they display maturity and sophistication.Sticker Slap is up next.This fast paced track is complimented thoroughly with the vocals and is an illustration of how captivating the E.P is. Nothing in Return becomes slower and tells the story of youthful inadequacy and indifference; a subject that nearly everyone can relate to. The chorus to this track really stands out and is complimented by the gang vocals towards the end of the track. Foresight has the kind of riff that will make you put this track on repeat. Like Nothing in Return, the lyrics convey the feeling of hopelessness and deficiency. Roam recently released a video for the final track of the E.P 'Head Rush'. This track encompasses youthful energy and sums up the EP perfectly. Overall the EP is a profusion of impressive tracks and is a sure sign that Roam will go far.  

Head Down is released 16th November
Listen to Head Rush Here

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